People doubt you. They don't think you can succeed. You know better. You need someone to help you navigate these rough waters.

Leader Direction and Vision

Employees are motivated when they feel deeply respected and appreciated for their contributions, and play a part in creating the future with the direction and vision of top leaders.

What Causes Leader Direction and Vision Issues

These are common causes we have seen to be typical of this issue. This list is not exhaustive but helps you to understand some of the potential root causes.

Risk Management

Know your stakeholders. Understanding their perceptions of you is critical. Without knowledge, you are flying by the seat of your pants. As a CEO, you cannot afford to have blindspots.


People get motivated when they feel deeply respected and appreciated for their contributions, and know that it contributed to shared achievements.


Motivation has a high correlation with respect and appreciation. Give it and you get it back. It is the new currency for companies, and there is no excuse to lack that currency... it is free.

Are you looking for a better way?

Lou has given me the chance to dig deeply into understanding myself. And, perhaps most importantly, I have taken a deep dive into the perceptions of all of my stakeholders. This has made me a more effective leader - and have moved me and all of us to achieve our short and long term goals. I couldn't have done it without his work and processes.

Ray Williams

CEO of Springfield Clinic

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