About Us

Focus on Emotional Connection

We are in the midst of an enormous economic and social transformation. Companies who place a focus on creating strong, emotionally connected employees will be the most resilient and produce the most positive results.


Leaders who are emotionally connected to their company are four times more likely to produce results throughout crisis (read our article on Emotionally Connect Leaders).

Building a Culture for Results


Our Approach

Check out how our years of research and experience can spark your organizational transformation.

Effective Methodology

RBC’s CultureUp!™ is a simple, proven methodology for transforming and building a culture of performance and productivity.

Backed With Results

See specifically how organizations have used RBC’s CultureUp!™ Model to transform their culture, align their teams, and deliver results.

20+ Years of Research

RBC’s CultureUp!™ model is backed by over 20 years of research and published works by Louis Carter on how to effectively transform and build a culture of respect, performance and results.

Trusted By The Best Companies

Meet the experts behind Results Based Culture

Our Research


In Great Company

How to Spark Peak Performance By Creating an Emotionally Connected Workplace

The surefire way to boost business growth and team effectiveness: Make sure employees are emotionally connected to the company. Everything else will fall in place. In Great Company presents a practical new approach to ensure that employees love their workplace and perform at their highest levels.


The Change Champion’s Field Guide

Strategies and Tools for Leading Change in Your Organization

This thoroughly revised and updated edition of the Change Champion’s Field Guide is filled with the information, tools, and strategies needed to implement a best practice change or leadership development initiative where everyone wins.


Best Practices in Leadership Development and Organization Change

How the Best Companies Ensure Meaningful Change and Sustainable Leadership

In this important book, successful organizationsshare their most effective approaches, tools, and specific methods for leadership development and organizational change. These exemplary organizations serve as models for leadership development and organizational change because they


Best Practices in Talent Management

How the World’s Leading Corporations Manage, Develop, and Retain Top Talent

The purpose of this best practices handbook is to provide you with the most current and necessary elements and practical “how-to” advice on how to implement a best practice talent management program within your organization.

I need help with...

Use best-in-class practices to get your team on-board, aligned, connected and focused on goals that produce results.

We ensure your organizational culture is strong, connected, sustainable, vision and results-driven.

Recreating Our Employee Value Proposition

Awards & Certifications

The following are a list of recent awards & certifications we have been fortunate enough to receive from leaders in the organizational culture community.


Top 10 Global Guru in Organizational Culture

global gurus top 30

Top Organizational Professionals

LEAD Award

Top 25 Corporate Leader Award (Over 35)


Trail Blazer in Learning! Champion Awards

What's Next?

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